
 ලංකාවේ චිත්‍ර කලාව ගැන සැලකිල්ලෙන් විමසීමේදී composition   rule of thirds Positioning the focal point is an important consideration. A central feature can split a composition in two halves; placing it off-centre usually makes for a more striking composition. A good way to arrive at a balanced composition is to divide the picture plane into thirds with equally spaced imaginary lines, two horizontal and two vertical. Align the important elements of your composition, for example the horizon line and predominant subject, along or near these lines and in the vicinity of their intersection points, then juggle the elements until you get a pleasing balance. Selection and orientation Many landscape paintings are painted in a  A vertical subject such as this tree can split a painting in two if placed in the middle, hence it is better placed off-centre. The level of the horizon follows the ‘rule of thirds’, creating a balanced and pleasing layout. Selection and orientation Many landscape paintin
 Asanka anujeewa thaaarabare